Durham Seniors Receive Human Rights Award

Two seniors were recently recognized at the city of Durham’s Human Relations Award Ceremony at the Hayti Heritage Center.

Durham School of the Arts senior Vernondo Garcia-Carroll and Middle College High School at Durham Tech senior Sary Lili Martinez received the Human Rights Youth Award, which recognizes individual or groups under 18 for demonstrating an understanding of and commitment to human relations in Durham.

The City of Durham’s human relations awards are sponsored by the Human Relations Commission and the City’s Neighborhood Improvement Services Department Human Relations Division.

Vernondo is a participant in Student U and Durham Art Guild Mentoring, the EPA Climate Control Certification Program, the Environmental Science Summer Program at Duke University, Mars Outreach Program for North Carolina Students, Duke Robotics, the Duke Talent Identification Program and the N.C. State Design Camp.

He is a bass player for the DSA Jazz Band.

Sary came to Durham seven years ago from Honduras speaking no English.

She has since volunteered to provide bilingual services to connect and facilitate meetings between families and Durham Public Schools.

She also volunteers as a community advocate with the Enlaces program serving Latino DPS students.

Originally posted on the News & Observer


North Carolina School Boards AssociationDurham Seniors Receive Human Rights Award